Hands off the struggle of the workers of VIOME

The bosses of the VIOME factory, missing for the last 2.5 years, are attempting to return to administration of the factory and expel its workers with a suddenly filed court action. The bosses, who have been sentenced to a total of 126 months imprisonment for debts to their workers, are requesting to initiate bankruptcy proceedings in collaboration with the appointed trustee. Their goals are to dodge debts to workers, social security and the state, and to remove the workers from the factory.
We declare our support to the workers of VIOME. Through a multi-year struggle they have put up a barrier to pillaging by the bosses. Through their attempt to run the factory themselves they have opened the road to taking production and our lives into our own hands.
The bosses’ attempt will not succeed! They will find us standing opposite! We will all defend the right of workers to live with dignity. The bosses’ arbitrary and despicable court attempt which will be heard on July 8th must be dismissed. We call all the solidarity supporters of VIOME for a solidarity action on 1st of July outside of the Greek embassies worldwide.
Solidarity and support to the self-organized factory of VIOME for the victory of their deserving struggle!