Giù le mani dalla lotta della VIOME

Pubblichiamo e firmiamo l’appello in solidarietà con la lotta dei lavoratori della fabbrica occupata di Salonicco. Rilanciamo la mobilitazione internazionale del 1 luglio sotto le ambasciate greche in tutto il mondo contro lo sgombero della Viome.
Read the english version.
I padroni della fabbrica VIOME, scomparsi per due anni e mezzo, stanno tentando di ritornare ad amministrare la fabbrica e cacciare i lavoratori attraverso un’azione legale avviata all’improvviso. I padroni, che sono stati condannati a un totale di 126 mesi di prigione per debiti verso i lavoratori, stanno chiedendo di iniziare le procedure di bancarotta in collaborazione con il fiduciario nominato. Il loro obiettivo è di eludere i debiti che hanno con i lavoratori, la sicurezza sociale e lo stato, e di cacciare i lavoratori dalla fabbrica.
Noi dichiariamo il nostro supporto ai lavoratori della VIOME. Attraverso una lotta che va avanti da diversi anni, hanno imposto una barriera al saccheggio dei padroni. Attraverso il tentativo di far funzionare la fabbrica in autogestione hanno aperto la strada per riprendere la produzione e le vite nelle nostre mani.
Il tentativo dei padroni non avrà successo! Ci troveranno qui di fronte! Difenderemo tutti insieme il diritto dei lavoratori a vivere con dignità. L’arbitrario e spregevole tentativo dei padroni, che avrà udienza l’8 luglio, deve essere rigettato.
Chiediamo la solidarietà dei sostenitori della VIOME per un’azione solidale il 1 luglio fuori dalle ambasciate greche in tutto il mondo.
Solidarietà e supporto alla fabbrica autogestita VIOME per la vittoria della loro degna lotta!
Fabbrica recuperata Viome, Thessaloniki, Grecia
Leggi anche:
– Sostieni la cooperativa della fabbrica Viome
– Salonicco, la fabbrica nelle mani degli operai
– Grave minaccia per la fabbrica Viome
– Lavorare senza padroni, la sfida continua
– Lavorare senza padoni, una sfida globale
Firme da Roma:
Officine Zero fabbrica recuperata per l’autogestione produttva, Dinamopress, Esc Atelier Autogestito, Point Break studentato occupato autogestito, Csa Astra, Puzzle Welfare in progress, SCUP, Csoa Sans Papiers, Spa Strike, Mushrooms Studentato occupato
Firme internazionali [in aggiornamento]
Unions – Unionists
Association of Employees in Book – Paper Businesses of Attica
Union of Employees at the Labour Institute of the General Confederation of Greek Workers
NATIONAL UNION OF WORKERS AT TIM (Wind) (Telecommunications Provider)
Fighting Cooperation of the Organization of Greek Telecommunications
Participatory Unionist Movement of Workers for a Public Water Supply and Sewerage – Athens
Nassos Bratsos, member of the General Council of the Panhellenic Federation of Journalists’ Unions, journalist,
Stavros Manikas, Thermal Buses Transportation SA, Labourers Centre of Athens
Joseph Victoratos, journalist ERTOpen
Christos Asproudis: Admin. Board Member of the National Association of Technicians of the Organization of Greek Telecommunications
Lambros Kastrinakis: Admin. Board Member of the Federation of Employees at the Organization of Greek Telecommunications
Giorgos Stefanis: Deputy Secretary General of the National Association of Technicians of the Organization of Greek Telecommunications
Alexandra Tenente: Admin. Board Member of the National Association of Employees at the Organization of Greek Telecommunications
Dimitris Farakliotis: Admin. Board Member of the National Association of Technicians of the Organization of Greek Telecommunications
Thanassis Folias: Admin. Board Member of the Federation of Employees at the Organization of Greek Telecommunications
Dimitris Grivas: Admin. Board Member of the Union of Workers with Higher Education at the Organization of Greek Telecommunications (Rhodes)
Dimitris Dellis: Admin. Board Member of the Union of Workers with Higher Education at the Organization of Greek Telecommunications (Tripoli)
Yiannis Dukas: Education Commission, Federation of Employees at the Organization of Greek Telecommunications
Giorgos Zafiropoulos: Education Commission, Federation of Employees at the Organization of Greek Telecommunications (Volos)
Antigone Zikidi: Admin. Board Member of the National Association of Employees at the Organization of Greek Telecommunications
Yiannis Koukouselis: Admin. Board Member of the UNION of ENGINEERING SCIENTISTS at the Organization of Greek Telecommunications
Koutsoukos Giorgos: Admin. Board Member of the Federation of Employees at the Organization of Greek Telecommunications
Stelios Kydonakis: Admin. Board Member of the Federation of Employees at the Organization of Greek Telecommunications
Andreas Kyteas: General Secretary of the Union of Workers with Higher Education at the Organization of Greek Telecommunications
Giorgos Manolopoulos: Admin. Board Member of the Vacation Centres of the Employees of the Organization of Greek Telecommunications
Vicky Boutsi: Admin. Board Member of the CULTURAL CENTRE of the EMPLOYEES of the Organization of Greek Telecommunications
Iakovos Boutsis: Education Commission, National Association of Employees at the Organization of Greek Telecommunications
Diomedes Skalistis: Education Commission, Union of Workers with Higher Education at the Organization of Greek Telecommunications
Skourogiannis Giorgos: Admin. Board Member of the National Association of Employees at the Organization of Greek Telecommunications
Sevi Staikou: Admin. Board Member of the CULTURAL CENTRE of the EMPLOYEES of the Organization of Greek Telecommunications
PERSPECTIVE MOTION – Independent Left Movement National Bank Employees
VEKIARELLI TEREZA (“the “ANT” – Solidarity Network of the 6th Municipal Community of Athens)
Open Solidarity Committee of Tinos
Social Centre – Immigrants’ Centre
TERRA VERDE (Collective for the alternative and solidarity trade)
Industrial Workers of the World, Greek Section
Autonomous Centre
Workers Club of Nea Smyrni
Network of precarious Workers-Unemployed
Social Solidarity Network of Exarcheia
Nosotros Free Social Space
Social Space for Freedom “Micropolis”
Solidarity-Roads, Citizens’ Movement, Maroussi
Political Organizations
Savvas Michail, General Secretary of the CENTRAL COMMITTEE of the WORKERS REVOLUTIONARY PARTY
Other (Personal) Resolution Signatures
Dimitris Stamatopoulos, Historian, University of Macedonia
Michael Polihronakis
Gregory Martoulas, Tinos
Eleni Agaianniti, unemployed
Marina Paraskevaidi
Pantelis Dentakis, director-actor
Kiriaki Papadopoulou
Iraclis Pitsiladis, Architect, Mytilini
Maria Psomadakis, Retired Philologist, Moria, Lesvos
Costas Papathomopoulos
ALEXIS BENOS, University Prof.
Markos Gastin, director-producer
Yiannis Skoularikos, Unemployed
Nicos Koutsopoulos
Katerina STAVROU, Retired educationist, PIRAEUS
Panagiota Kalogera
Natasha Mela, Unemployed
Eugenia Karolidou
Christos Mellios
Mania Epithymiadou
Nasi Xanalatou
Vivi Perysinaki
Yiannis Karagiannopoulos
Salome Chatzivasileiou, architect
Irine Kontogeorgiou
Vasilis Papanikolaou
Konstantina Soumpenioti
Danai Vlachou, MFA in Digital Media, MSc in Communication
Siaterli Vera, Painter, Athens
Fokion Apostolopoulos
Maria Tselepi
Katsiki Tzela, oceanographist-ecotoxicologist
Nicos Dentakis
Alexandra Papadimitriou